On the 10th June 2012 we shall be holding two back to back single breed open shows at Steventon Village Hall, Oxfordshire. The schedules are now available for download from the Links and Judges List page.
As always we aim to make the day as enjoyable as possible for all involved. A number of fun activities shall be run on the day with all proceeds going towards Kooikerhondje Welfare, further details shall follow. Hot and cold food and drinks shall be sold throughout the day. This year we are delighted to welcome Ray McDonald Photography to our shows. As well as capturing the winners Ray will be pleased to photograph any of your dogs on the day. Examples of Ray’s work can be viewed on www.roanjora.co.uk photographs are reasonably priced and of a very high quality.
Our shows are open to all Kooikers, including seasoned showers and pets that are yet to see a show ring. We look forward to see as many of you as possible on the day.