Date of meeting: 17 November 2019
Venue: The Hare at Loddington, Main Street, Loddington Northants NN14 1LA
Present: 11 committee members, including President, Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer
Apologies received from 5 committee members
Discussions and decisions
This meeting was mainly concerned with a report on the planned improvements to the Club web site and it
was agreed that Breed Notes should be posted on the web site along with a full list of contact details for
the committee and short reports of the Committee meetings for members to review. A GDPR safe list of
judges will also be posted to make a show secretary’s task easier when searching for qualified and
experienced judge of Kooikerhondjes.
It was also again confirmed that the AGM would take place on 15 March at Weedon Bec Village Hall and
that a judge for the match that will follow will be appointed shortly.
Finally the Breed Education Co-ordinator updated the committee on current developments in the JCF
programme and how they would affect the Club and its maintenance of the Club judges’ list. As it is now
possible for breed Clubs to maintain their own judges’ list again it was agreed that all judges on the current
Club list would be contacted so that their details can be updated as soon as possible. It was aslso agreed
that the Club would hold both a Breed Appreciation Day and a Health seminar during the year to meet the
growing demand for these two events.
Finally it was announced that there would be a 2nd Agility day (organised by Dave Deaville) on 22 February
(venue yet to be confirmed) and that a Handling training day (organised by Claire Johnson) would be held at
Steventon Hall sometime in February as well. An Xmas party (mainly aimed at pet owners) is also being
planned for December 2020.